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Use # for headings. Use a space between the # and the heading text.

# Heading 1
## Heading 1.1
### Heading 1.1.1


Use an empty line to separate paragraphs.

Have the text within square braces [ ], followed by the URL in round braces ( ).

I love [xTLDR]( for its brevity.
I love xTLDR for its brevity.


Images are similar to links. Have an exclamatory mark, followed by alternate text for the image within square braces [ ], followed by absolute or relative URL of the image in round braces.

Logo of Wikipedia is ![Wikipedia Logo](


Ordered lists

Use numbering for ordered lists.

1. Item 1
  1.1 Sub Item
2. Item 2
3. Item 3

Unordered Lists

Use - or + or * for unordered lists.

- Item 1
  - Sub Item
- Item 2
- Item 3


To represent code or text that you don't want markdown syntax to decipher:

Enclose them with a single backtick (`) for single line content, which would show up as:

Single line code enclosed within single backtick

Enclose them with triple backticks (```) for multi line content

def function():
    print("Hello World!")


Syntax for table is

| Column 1   | Column 2 | Column 3 |
| ---------- | -------- | -------- |
| Row 1 Text | Text     | Random   |
| Row 2 Text | Text     | Random   |


As markdown is text file, it can be created and edited with any text editor. There are tools that provide preview and higher support (like automatic formatting of a table)

VS Code

VS Code has basic markdown support built-in, apart from wide variety of mark down extensions like Markdown All in One.


Obsidian is an offline application that supports markdown. It is free for personal use and has a paid plan for commercial use.