Setting Up
One of the most popular javascript libraries is jQuery, which is much more concise and easy to use. To include jQuery, refer to jQuery releases section. Include the jQuery javascript above your javascript include statement in HTML:
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.3.min.js" integrity="sha256-pvPw+upLPUjgMXY0G+8O0xUf+/Im1MZjXxxgOcBQBXU=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
Adding and Removing CSS Classes
To dynamically add/remove a CSS class from a HTML object, using jQuery:
To check if a HTML element has a class:Updating Text of HTML Element
Using jQuery, we can update text of a HTML element as shown below.
$("#myheading").text(); //Returns the text
$("#myheading").text("My New Heading"); //Updates the text
$("#myheading").html(); //Returns the inner HTML present which would include styles like <b>, <i>
$("#myheading").html("<b>My New</b> <i>Heading</i>"); //Updates the inner HTML with the styling provided
Updating Attributes
Using jQuery, we can get attribute values as well as set attributes as shown below:
$("img").attr("src"); //Returns the src attribute value for the img tag
$("img").attr("src","logo.png"); //Updates the attribute value to "logo.png" for the img tag
Updating CSS
Use the CSS property name to query the current value of a CSS property. When the value is passed as the 2nd argument, the value gets set.
$("h1").css("color"); //Returns the font color of h1
$("h1").css("color","red"); //Sets the font color
Adding Event Listeners
To register for a click event for "h1" tag using jQuery:
Or more generically where you can pass the event type as a string:To register for key press across the entire web page, you can use "body" as the identifier:
or directly passing document as the argument (and not as a string):$(document).keypress(function (event) {
console.log(event.key); //Logs the key pressed by the user
Adding HTML Elements
To add a HTML element before/after an element:
To add a HTML element within an element:$("h1").prepend("<button>My New Button</button>"); //Within h1,but before h1 text
$("h1").append("<button>My New Button</button>"); //Within h1,but after h1 text
Various options available to hide and unhide:
Custom animations are possible using animate: It is also possible to chain functions and they get executed one by one from left to right.